Why Train Fascination? Autism Spectrum DisorderGerman CheungApril 2, 2019#AutismAwarenessMonth, #April2nd, #ASD, #Trains, #Timetables, #routines, #rocking, skinformation, #estherbick, #annealvarez, #francestustin, #winnicott, #psychoanalyticpsychotherapy
A poem about Asperger's ... Can you bear to listen to a non-traditional mind? German CheungFebruary 27, 2018
SHRINK — Spielbergs German CheungSeptember 28, 2017shrink, alexkarpovsky, teddy blanks, sarah silverman, susan orlean, lena dunham, gary shtevngart, kimberly peirce, natasha lyonne, psychotherapy
Talking Mental Health (with your child) Child's Emotional NeedsGerman CheungSeptember 21, 2017mentalhealth, annafreud, childfeelings, psychotherapy
Six Ways Developmental Trauma Shapes Adult Identity | Psychology Today Personality DevelomentGerman CheungJuly 5, 2017Psychoanalytic thought, PSA, developmental trauma